A comparison of BYOS and other solutions when faced with a Rogue AP.
Attack Description:
Fraudulent Wi-Fi access point that appears to be legitimate but eavesdrops on wireless communications.
Expected Result:
The computer with BYOS software cannot be tricked into connecting to a Wi-Fi network created by an attacker impersonating a legitimate Wi-Fi network, whereas the control computers can.
How will BYOS help you?
- BYOS will prevent from connecting to the wrong network, and alert the SOC.
How will a VPN help you?
- A VPN can still encrypt the outbound traffic but does not have the ability to prevent/detect/mitigate this attack. Also, an attacker with control can drop the VPN traffic altogether leaving the end-user with no protection at all.
How will an EDR help you?
- EDRs do not have the ability to prevent/detect/mitigate this attack.
How will a SASE help you?
- SASEs do not have the ability to prevent/detect/mitigate this attack.