How do I activate my Byos Secure Edge Device?

Please follow the step-by-step instructions below to activate your Byos Secure Endpoint Edge device. ⚠️ Byos Secure Edge Devices can only be activated by approved Activators. Please have your Administrator has added you as an approved Activator.

Step-by-Step Activation Instructions

Byos Secure Edge App

  1. Download and open the app on your device

Please visit to download the app for your appropriate operating system. Apps are available for both Windows and MacOS.

  1. Plug in the Endpoint Edge and Connect to your desired Wi-Fi Network
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  1. Enter your email address and check your inbox for the activation code
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  1. Input the Activation Code that you received in the email
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  1. Once you have successfully activated your Byos Secure Edge, you now have a secure connection to the Wi-Fi.
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    When you click “Done” you will see the app connected to the network by clicking on the icon in the top task bar

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    You will receive an email stating that you are now licensed and active.

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Your Administrator will now see your Secure Edge online in your organization’s Management Console.

Byos Edge Web Dashboard

If you prefer to activate the Edge with the local web dashboard, visit in your browser and follow the steps on screen.


I submitted my email, but I did not get an activation Code

Please check with your administrator to ensure that you are enrolled in the Fleet as an activator.

I got an error when trying to activate

Please double-check that you have inputted the activation code correctly.